Among the hundreds of letters my grandmother kept are dozens from the 1940s with "Examiner" stickers affixed to them. These censorship stickers were the result of wartime efforts to prevent information of value from potentially reaching enemy eyes. During World War II, there were over...
Read More1940s WWII Model Airplanes - (we think from Strombecker) - B17 Flying Fortress & Sikorsky Amphibian
StromBecker WWII Toy Wood Airplanes
We're back! It's been a long and busy summer. Dad went to Myanmar for a 20 day riverboat cruise (incredible adventure for an 84 year old with CIDP!) and I've been busy with plans for a home remodel, my regular job and all the other busy details of every day life.
These beautiful WWII model toy airplanes have been hiding in a toy box for over 70 years. Dad recalls assembling them with his mother in about the early 1940s. The wheels move on the B17 and the props spin, the Sikorsky Amphibian (we think that is what it is) has fixed wheels but the props spin.
I had a hard time finding samples of these planes but was able to track down this cool old StromBecker catalog page. I think this was a dealer catalog as Dad recalls purchasing these are single items for about a quarter each. Note the airplane kits in this catalog were only $2.00 per dozen. The ad reads, "Airplane assortment. Made of wood, completely carved, and finished, with no sanding to do. Merely assemble the parts, glue them and decorate. Assortment consists of Boeing Stratoliner, Lockheed Transport, Sikorsky Amphibian, Flying Fortress, Curtiss Attack Plane, and Navy Patrol Bomber. Packed assorted in carton."
StromBecker made these pre-carved, solid model wood kits from the 1930s through the 1940s. The best information I've found on the StromBecker company and their model airplanes is on the website

U.S. Navy Sextant by Keuffel & Esser
The origin of some items will remain a mystery.
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