July 18th, 1945
Somervell St
Annerley S.E.
Brisbane Queensland Australia
My Dear Ben,
I don’t know what you though of my last letter to you it was full of mistakes etc. But never mind. I am much better now, I have my good days & bad ones & I think I am a lot better than I was. You must have had a nice time when Mr. & Mrs. Tipple were there & I am sure they had a good time too. I have not met the Tipples but if Mrs. Tipple is as good as her brother she is a woman.
I am glad you took them to see Nellie because your mother told me in her letters that she lived with Nellie, your mother used to write to me & I missed her letters when she passed away.
Nelly wrote & told me about your mother’s death & I answered the letter & asked her to write to me but I have not received an answer. Give her my love & tell I would like to hear from her.
You told me you have 4 daughters. I have a photo of 2 of them with their husbands & 2 babies have they any more children & are the other girls married. The girls I have the photo of are nice girls, I am sure & their husbands look good men. I wish them ever happiness. What are you going to do with your boy? Are you going to give him a trade or are you going to make him a scholar? & What is his name?
My grandson is 6 ft tall & will be 27 next December he is engaged to be married & is a boiler maker for the Queensland Railways his father is a carpenter for the railways too that is my Nellie’s husband & son. I don’t know if you remember my eldest daughter Lottie she got married & she died about 6 years after and left a little girl 4 1/2 years old & she stayed with me till she got married & she has 2 children going to school. The girl will be 7 years old next month and the boy will 6 in December. Their father is at the war a mechanic in the air force ground staff. He is in Pacific his name is Adam Kennedy (Our Nellie’s name is Newman)
You might remember my daughter Edith she works at the General post office Brisbane she is 54 years old & Dorothy is at home & takes in dressmaking. She is about 46 or 7 they are all very good to me we live very happily together.
I am sorry you did not get the paper map & paper I send you. I sent 2 papers not 3 weeks ago & I am sending another map. Much it is an older than the last map I sent. I am sending by packet post. I hope you get it. I am also sending some views of Brisbane.
So with lots of love to your wife & family & all the other family & lots & lots to your dear self.
And God Bless you all
From Aunt Susannah