This is the only letter I have found from it's author, Charles (Charlie) Percival Vince. He was my 1st cousin 2x removed, son of my Great Grandmother Alice's brother William. He was sixteen years old when he sent this letter to Alice. It was such a delicious letter to read. Simply chock-ful of nuggets that led to other nuggets about my ancestor's lives. It's amazing how much one letter can fill in the gaps.
Read More1913 John T. Clark Mechanically Inflated Tire Stock Certificate
A Million Dollars & A Flat Tire
My grandfather purchased 150 shares of the John T. Clark Mechanically Inflated Tire Company for $1 per share. He bought 70 on June 16th, 1913, 30 on June 17th 1913 and another 50 on March 26 1917. I figure with inflation and stock splits, that ought to be worth a few million dollars today. Right?
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My Great Grandmother Was Not On The Titanic
It's funny what happens when you start writing about your ancestors. Suddenly, cousins appear from across the world (YEAH!) and they begin to share photos, letters, postcards, and stories. One of the most interesting I've heard is that my Great Grandmother Alice was going to return to the US from England aboard the Titanic but she came on an earlier ship.
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