(Note: All spelling abbreviations, errors and punctuation were kept true to Mary's original diary and I place paragraph breaks at page turns in the book.)
Place: Coast
Date: 10th
passengers are proud and haughty and nearly all the ladies smoke and go nearly naked to the dances. we have just passed a lovely sight a great big lighthouse on a mountain jutting right out in to the sea there are quite a few houses built by it and lovely fields of grain right on the sides of the mountains will this is as far as we have gone we will be.going to dinner pretty soon now. well here we are at Liverpool at last. we have sure passed some beautiful scenery we have passed Ireland Wales New Brighten Berkenhead and stopped anchors about 9 O'clock at Liverpool and I am going to bed now. we get off in the morning. Bro Swift and 'I watched them drop the anchors good bye old ship.
Place: Liverpool
Date: 11th
up Bright and early this morning had Breakfast at 6:30 went up on deck and looked all amongst the people on the warf for some face I knew. but could not see any got off the ship about 7:30 went and had our luggage examined. and stood waiting for some one to come and get me. but nobody came there was a lady and gentleman to meet Bro Swift. he did not want to do and leave me alone and helped me look for my people but after about 1 hour hunting for them I told him to
go. that I would be all right. but after waiting about 2 hours I took a cab and went to the depot and got on a train for nelson. when I got to Nelson my Brother Dan who had come from Staffordshire on purpose to meet me at Liverpool my sister Emma, my nieces Millie, & Edith, had gone to meet me. they sure felt bad when they got there I felt worse I think they could not find me. my nephew Cyrus made me some dinner and then went and saw a lovely parade
and then my sister Fanny and her husband came and got me and took me to supper at their house after supper a whole lot of us went up to the station to meet them it sure was a happy meeting when we met, my Brother Dan is very much like my father. my sister is a little like me but not much. she is nimble and quick as a squirel. when we got back to Emmas there there a whole lot of Nephews neices sweetheart and I don't know how many. also my Brother Billy and his wife so we was all together once more for which I thanked my heavenly Father. well we sure spent a pleasant evening it was daylight till 11:30 I could hardley believe it was so late we went to bed about 2 O'clock in the morning.
Place: Nelson
Date: 12
slept till 10 O'clock our dan came down and said our Polly is sleeping like a little angel. Breakfast. Uncle Dan went to meeting where I used to go when I was a little girl. after dinner we went to the Cemetry and thro Marsden Park where I used to ramble when I was a girl it is a very beautiful park after supper we started off again all 8 of us, round the woods and fields and by the canal, over the stiles and ditches, I passed lots of the old places where I used to ramble in my childhood days then we went to my Neices Mary Janes, house, had another supper and a sing song. My Nephews Jim and Harold sang us some nice songs they are lovely singers.
Place: Nelson
Date: 13
then we came home about 12 O'clock and Aunt Emma was waiting for us to give us another supper if we wanted one. went to bed about 1.
Monday-got up about 9 0'clock, uncle dan peeped in and said best be coming down quickly we had, Breakfast got my shoes and to put on and Aunt Emma had them all cleaned and shiny like a dollar all ready to put on. Uncle Dan my nephew Jim and I started off for another ramble, we passed the place where my Dear Father used to work then past the place where the old church used to be that I first went to in Nelson then came back past the old church where Pa and I was married then through the Market Places in and out then went in to see some fancy wearing then back for dinner.
Place: 2 O’clock
Date: 13
here comes my Nephew Jim again off we go Dan Jim and me (poor old Emma she has to spot home and make us something to eat or we can’t tramp. we are going down Walverden and Catlow bottoms, where Pa and I used to go spooning, it sure is a lovely place. we came to a fish hatchery and Jim caught a little fish for me and we picked some wild flowers forget me nots (which I have pressed) then we went on up the meadow and lost our way. Our Dan says come on, and he led us down into a beautiful wood and a Dell. oh it was pretty but we had to
climb walls and Jump ditches to get out but it was worth it, and there was a big swing in the wood, and Jim lifted me on it and gave me a higher swing, we got out at last and went up on the moor where they cross over to Yorkshire and we could see all over Nelson then we came down to Barkerhouse Church went in and saw my Dear Mother and Joes grave also Aunt Emmas John W. and Millie's husband. went and saw the old school where, Fanny and I used to go to when we worked half time at the Mill. came home for supper after supper we went up to a Mrs. Booth to take the parcel Bro Mosley gave to me we had a
Date: 14 June
enjoyable visit there and they with Harold his Wife & Millie are going with me to meeting Sunday night, then we came home and had fish and chips for our second supper. off to bed at 11:30.
tuesday Jim here again. him, I and Uncle Dan took a lovely walk down where I used to work when I used to run and hide in the corner when it thundered and lightened. then walked throu a lovely wood came to a very old church it was built in 1411 it is all old ruins now, our Dan got gabbing to a lady and Jim and I went in the old church there were large cobwebs about a mile long or nearly a yard anyway
then back through Victoria Park I saw the old gaumless and fountain that stood at the top of Nelson when I left and we all had a drink for all times sake back to dinner
2 o’clock Jim Dan and I went down to the Hospital to see my niece maggie Aunt Fannys girl. uncle Dan made love to all in the ward. She has had gallstones but is getting better. She said she had been crying all morning because she couldn't see Auntie Pollie, but when I went in you ought to see how her face changed and she has been fine ever since. she said she would not shed any more tears now then we came to Emmas and
her I Uncle Dan and Aunt Fanny went up to my Brother Wills and had a nice supper, spent a pleasant evening had a sing song then I and Uncle Dan and Maggie and Henry went by Jims and Marys there a little while then we all came home and had our 2nd supper went to bed 11:30.
Wed. got up had breakfast got ready to go to the station so Jim Aunt Emma and I went up to the station with Dan we all hated to see him go for he sure is a dear old Dan I will tell you how he talks when I came, he kissed us goodbye got on the train and they are going to meet me in stoke in about 2 weeks time. Sunday 19th I went to Mrs. Booths for tea then we all, I millie Harold Edith Clifford Frank and Mrs. Booth
went to a branch of our church in Nelson and I bore my testimony also spoke 2 more sundays. we all went to Blackpool and had a good time saw the total eclipse of the sun. had a lot of pictures taken came home and went to Yorkshire an and had a lovely time at Herberts for 4 days. came back to Eng. and went to Dans on the 8th of July stayed a week with him I talked to his sunday school children and visited the sick with him. Emma and I went to glouchester and had a good time there came back to Dans and stayed there 2 days then went back to Emmas
stayed with Willie 2 days and Fanny 2 days went to church on the sunday night July 31 and bore my farewell testimony had a good time with the saints and Elders. also took Clifford to sunday school packed up Monday and bid goodbye to lots of people that came to see me Sunday night, went up to the station Tuesday morning Aug. 2 and Millie and me started off to Liverpool arrived in Liverpool all right and went to Durham house 295-Edge Lane Sis Falmagde made us welcome
and we had a good time there she showed us around and took us to Calders Stones Park to see the Beautiful rose garden then she went with me to see Millie off at the station Aug. 3rd I went to the station to meet Bro Swift, took him up to Durham house and then went for a walk in the park stayed there and chatted for quite a while, then went back to Bro Easters farewell I read a selection called Unawares.
we all went to bed 11:00. Bro swift and I went to meet my neice Mrs. Proctor at 9:30 and we should have met her at 8 O'cloek. her and I spent the at new Brighten and at the dock looking over the ship. we met Bro Swift at 8 O'clock and he got us some Ice cream. then we went to the station and saw her on the train and him and I went and had something to eat. got to the mission about 10 O'clock. went to bed. got up early in the morning 5th Aug. and went to the station to meet my Brother Dan and Will and sister Emma
we all spent a nice day together went to the rose garden and Cathedral. and had dinner we saw the Moncalm come in. then got on the ship about 4 o’clock I showed them all around. and then they had to get off. there were about 500 people on the wharf to see the boat sail and they had to get off. there were about 500 people on the wharf to see the boat sail and they sang and sang all kinds of beautiful gyms till the boat started. about the last they sang was god be with you till we meet again. so I bid them all goodbye with tears rolling down my cheeks and watched them waving
there hankerchiefs and Fred Proctor (Florrie's husband) waving his hat on my Bro Dans stick, till we got out of sight. then Bro Swift and I went down to get ready for dinner I had a very nice cabin all to myself and so did he. Sat 6th we got our deck chairs and got all settled for the voyage. went to bed about 10. got up Sunday 7th and oh my the ship was hitching and tossing and I got up and dressed as quick as I could and went
up on deck Bro Swift helped me to walk but it was no use I got seasick and after vometing 3 or 4 times I had to go to bed lay on the bed with my clothes on and after Bro Swift had gone I went to Bed and stayed till morning. I got up Monday the 8th and tried to eat my breakfast but couldn't but did not go to Bed till night B.S. made me walk about the deck till I felt better and after that I enjoyed my voyage Just fine it sure was a beautiful sight
coming up the St Lawerance river we both sat and enjoyed the beautiful scenery we arrived in Quebec thursday 11th night. we sailed again friday morning we had to pass under a bridge I was sure afraid the ship would knock the bridge down, but we stood and watched it passed safely under. mast and all it sure seemed a miricle, we passed the Montclare. and another large ship and lots of smaller ones, we arrived in Montreal about 8 O'clock on the 12.
gladys and Jack and Elder Timms was there to meet us. we stayed at gladys 4 days we went to meeting sunday the 14 Aug. there and both of us had to get up and talked. we went to Mutual Tuesday 16th night Bro S. opened with prayer and I closed. we left gladys on the 17th at 11 O'clock at night and took the Michigan Central had dinner on the diner arrived in Chicago on the 18th at about 7 at night. got on the Palmaler bus and went to the Union Pacfic station and got on our train-it was very poor accomadtion an their train. we had a very enjoyable trip anyway. we telegraphed from Chyene stopped at green river and went out and had supper
and took a half hours walk went back and went is bed and the train started at 1 ·O'clock for the last lap of our Jurney. got up Sunday Morning the 21 and got all dressed up and ready for Salt Lake we sat on the bed (they were not made up so we did not have the seats) and looked at the beautiful scenery and were anxiously waiting to see our own beautiful mountains
we arrived in Salt Lake at 8:20 on the 21 of Aug. 1927. Ben Hilda and Emma and baby were there to meet me and Will Ratie
and Millie and Cal was ther to meet Bro S. I must say I had a beautiful trip and enjoyed every day that I was away and never had a days sickness all the time for which I thank my Heavenly Father for I know He heard and answered my prayers and the prayers of others in my behalf.