This sweet note was tucked in an envelope from a previous year. It was sent from 12 year old Grace Vince in England to her 10 year old cousin Walter Pinborough in Utah. Pics of them below, though the images are not exact to the year the letter was written.
52 Old Gravel Lane
Wapping England
Dear Walter
Just a few lines hoping you and all at home are in the best of health. I received your Christmas card and am sorry I did not send you one as I thought you would not get it in time. We wish you all a Prosperous new year. Excuse writing and pencil as I am in a hurry. Tell mother that kind Peggy is getting on much better, give your brothers and sisters my love. We have not had any snow up here yet, I wish I wen to America I suppose you have plenty over there. I hop I shall one of these fine day. I should love to come and see you all. I dare say you would like to come over England. I must close my letter with best respect from all & at home.
I remain your ever loving Cousin Grace. xxxxxxxxx
P.S. Give all at home a kiss for me.
On the back: Good night and God bless you all. Here is another kiss for you all. X