Back before video gaming, the Internet, smartphones & tablets hosted a plethora of Apps (you remember those days don't you?), folks played with a little something called board games. Board games were a tactile thing with components that you could physically move around a board vs. clicking and tap. Games were about chance and strategy or a combination of the two. They were fun. And you played them with friends or family members experiencing real social interaction with people in your immediate proximity.
Can you imagine? Playing with someone sitting next to you instead of a stranger on the other side of the planet? What a concept. Of course - there were also games of skill, strategy and just good old fun that you could play by yourself.
Yes, those were the good old days. And these, are a few good old games from dad's childhood.
1930s Milton Bradley Bingo
#4127-S Complete with all the wooden counters. B-I-N-G-O
Still beloved today in homes, casinos, churches and everywhere. I love the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
1940 Gilbert Boxed Problem Puzzle Games
Chock Full of Fun! These are puzzles of skill and ingenuity amusing - fascinating fun for everyone.
A Product from the Gilbert Hall of Science including: Ring A Tail, Ball and Gear, Hungry Pup, Ring A Peg, Radio Tube Trick, Topsy Turvy Rivets
From The A.C. Gilbert Co of New Haven, CT USA Copyright 1940
1940s Junior Bowling Ten Pins
A fun home version of bowling with beautiful wood pins.
I'm a little puzzled by the old one-shoed man using what appears to be a shotgun as a crutch - but the gnomes? look to be having fun.
1939 Home Version of Roullette (better known as Roulette)
Milton Bradley Table Game
I'm not sure if this was a misprint or done on purpose - but someone over at Milton Bradley got carried away with the LLs on the box cover and regained their senses when printing the instructions.
1940s Shoot-A-Loop
Wolverine Supply & Manufacturing Company Pittsburgh, PA
Marbles were all the rage in my dad's childhood and he loved this play it yourself or challenge a friend game.
1936 Jamboree - The Sky's The Limit
A Trading Game - No. 43 - by Selchow & Righter Co. New York City NY
Is this the original mash-up of Life & Monopoly? The instructions indicate the average playing time for eight players is two hours. Everybody remains in the game until the end.
1937 Dick Tracy Playing Card Game
(c) 1937 Chester Gould Whitman Pub No. 3071