Vintage Steamer Postcards
White Star Line List of Second Class Passengers
S.S. Celtic June 10, 1911
Canadian Pacific S.S. Montcalm Passenger List 1926
From Montreal to Liverpool Friday, June 4, 1926. I would have missed my great grandmother on this list had I not checked for spelling variations. They listed her as Pimborough and not Pinborough. Sometimes, just one letter makes all the difference in the world.

S.S. Montcalm June 4, 1926

G. Hamilton Commander. P.A. Lancaster Chief Officer. R.G. Hughes. Chief Engineer.

Trans-Atlantic Sailings schedule. Information for Passengers.

Information for Passengers. Cabin Passengers.

Passengers page eight and nine. Look! There is Mrs. Alice V. Pimborough. Should have been Pinborough. N not M.

Passenger List. Ad for Dominion Express Traveller's Cheques.

Memoranda pages.

Ad for The Empress Route to the Orient. Largest and Fastest Steamships. Japan. China. Manila. Empress of Canada, Empress of Australia, Empress of Russia. Empress of Asia.

Trans-Pacific Sailings schedule.
Canadian Australasian Line schedule.

White Star Line R.M.S. Celtic 1926
List of Second Class Passengers From Liverpool to Halifax, N.S., Boston and New York Via Queenstown. Saturday 14th August 1926.

Royal & United States Mail Steamers

Twin Screw. 21,179 Tons. List of Second Class Passengers

Wireless Telegram Rates, Special Rate Messages, Landing Arrangements

The "Celtic" carries an Orchestra of skilled musicians, which will play at intervals in the Second Class.

Commander G. Berry

Company Offices in America. Around the World Cruise

Express Mail Service Southampton-Cherbourg-NewYork "Majestic". Liverpool - New York Proposed Sailings. Cedric, Baltic, Adriatic, Megantic.

Proposed Sailings Liverpool-Boston-New York Cedric, Celtic. White Star Line to Canada Liverpool-Quebec-Montreal Megantic, Dorio, Regina

S.S. Doric 16,484 Tons Twin Screw.
American Cunard White Star Joint Service Hamburg - New York. Andania, Arabic
Red Star Line Antwerp-New York, Pennland, Belgenland, Zeeland, Lapland